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Walk of the future, the future, the future -2020 Shanghai BMW Exhibition

BAUMA CHINA 2020, November 27th came to an end in Shanghai New International Expo Center. This is a feast of an industry, a harvest tour. The exhibition, Hengli hydraulic exhibitors were favored by our customers. With its high quality products, the full-range product line promptly and efficient quality service, bringing new experiences to customers, not only this, we have also received a valuable suggestions and opinions of many end users, this better service for our products. The customer has laid a solid foundation.


This exhibition is a total of three series of A10V, A4VSO, A4VG covering projects, industrial use of hydraulic pumps / motor, and all-sectors suitable for customers of different products.


Hengli is fully replacing imported, helping China's machinery industry, steady, and finally win!

Ningbo Hilead Hydraulic Co., Ltd.
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